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A-Rank Party wo Ridatsu shita Ore wa, Moto Oshiego-tachi to Meikyuu Shinbu wo Mezasu. Episode 2 Discussion

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Jan 18, 10:28 PM
Feb 2021
I watched more than 20 anime this season and I can confidently say that this show has the absolute worst character writing so far. Yuke is the blandest nice guy protagonist ever, his 3 girls are just pushovers with no compelling motivations or unique personalities at all and just leave everything up to Yuke without questions, and the previous party members are just a hivemind of jerks and nothing else. I really want to get my hopes up because I usually like my trashy fantasy shows, but holy fuck this show has no hook at all, and after reading some of the reviews for the manga this show is based on, I'd rather give up entirely. There's a lot of other dumb fun shows this season that has way more fun gimmicks and personalities than this one, such as Possibly the Greatest Alchemist, Bogus Skill Fruitmaster, or even Beheneko. So if anyone is looking for a dumb fun fantasy show, just ditch this one and watch the others I mentioned instead, or better just watch the actual good fantasy shows this season like Ojisan Villainess, Guild Receptionist, or Sentai Red Isekai.
Arcanine369Jan 18, 10:33 PM
Jan 19, 12:20 AM

Aug 2013
Random narcissist appears and gets stomped.

Party seems of to a good start.
Jan 19, 12:25 AM
Apr 2023
Episode 2 and they already pace the story with cliffhangers😆
And it's like they chose an inappropriate title for the next episode😆
Jan 19, 3:01 AM
Apr 2013
EP 2

Last time big

What a cliffhang hurr
I did get the feeling they couldnt finish the ep on time
So in this ep mostly a lot of talking and less action

Trope(s) aside I honestly would have prefered if they either spent the whole ep talking or went through the whole battle alas we got half and half

So yes the girls are very cute
Soo uhh
Marina looks like its her first role
Silk uhh not much to say
Rain is hieda nene? She sounded super familiar though I cant say I was expecting
Good to see I guess?
CocoaGalaxyJan 19, 3:20 AM
Jan 19, 6:39 AM

Jul 2013
His former party are bitter af lol
Jan 19, 7:31 AM

Jun 2016
i already liked this show
Jan 19, 8:18 AM
May 2016
Surprisingly well animated show.
Jan 19, 10:52 AM

Feb 2015
LostSpectre said:
This A rank party is just way too cartoonishly stupid, the author has not provided a shred of believability for how much these clowns were looking down on Yuke, despite the fact he was assisting all of them with items/supplies that he paid for out of pocket, and I don't think it would have been a secret how effective his buffs/debuffs were. I could believe that his party members are all trash and gaslighting him, but I can't buy for a second that they are literally too stupid to understand his value. Similarly, they try to blame the new member for not carrying them, but it's not even just ego, they're outright braindead. We're at the point where authors don't even give a shit about making these tropes halfway believable, the premise just has to be taken as a fact regardless of how stupid it is.

I kind of felt the same. It's one thing to have them take him for granted but another entirely to act like they're that much better than not just him but the random dude they brought in to replace him as well.

I'm a little upset that he decided right away to be the party leader; sure he has the most experience and can probably lead them the best, but as their former teacher I would probably at least focus a little on what would best help them grow as a party, and I doubt that would be them coasting by on his power and experience. I think it would've been more interesting for him to take on an advisory role and have the elf continue as the leader.


"I'm twenty!"

Where have I heard this before...
SawronZXZJan 19, 11:06 AM
Censorship is vandalism.
Jan 19, 11:02 AM
Nov 2017
Lol that dude with beef came out of nowhere. Also, she's 20?!?!
Jan 19, 11:10 AM
Jul 2024
Reply to tekkenshu7
Episode 2 and they already pace the story with cliffhangers😆
And it's like they chose an inappropriate title for the next episode😆
@tekkenshu7 Oh, and how do you know that Title is inappropriate? Where might you have discovered this piece of information? Inquiring ( Nosy!) Minds want to know! It wasn't Hani** Never mind. <cough>
Jan 19, 11:46 AM
Jul 2024
I really like this! Yuke's real cool. Just two criticisms. So, a big reason this anime works is of course because of the relatability. It's supposed to reflect how a lot of bosses don't appreciate people who support them and won't know it until they miss it. Here's the slight problem people have already mentioned. The A Rank Party is way too stupid. Grossly incompetent without Yuke. It emphasizes Yuke's talents, but presumably this A rank party had at least some credentials before taking Yuke in? But they're just useless.

The second criticism may be my taking it a bit too serious, but disobeying orders from a group leader isn't something you can just brush off. It's not a military anime like Seraph, and I'm sure the anime won't get into the consequences of something like that, but if something went wrong by continuing the fight, it reflects badly on the organization of the team and the leader. Again, they're almost definitely not getting into that dynamic, but disobeying the leader is a big moment they could have saved until later.
Jan 19, 1:48 PM

Mar 2013
A new legend is being created!
Let's hope the adaptation gets better after this episode!
P.S. Never forget the SoL of this series.
It's not that I dislike this genre but... to add unnecessary fan services to/in/for heroines
and ultimately destroys her character and personality; their purity tarnished because of it,
is the only thing I hope to not happen to them. For that sole purity is my fan service.
Jan 19, 6:10 PM

Dec 2015
not too well rounded of a party, but they don't totally lose balance. 1 fighter. 1 archer/ranger. and 2 mages with 1 support, 1 offense. i'd guess the cat girl is a rogue going by her equipment in the EP. but i would definitely look for a cleric that is in the church of a war god for a spare fighter or a tank type paladin. both those 'holy folks' would be the type to put lots of spell slots into anti-evil/undead spells and group/area healing. since their support mage can handle all the buffs n de-buffs, the tank paladin/war cleric wouldn't need to put any slots into those. concurrent casting while fighting WOULD be a necessity for that war cleric or tank paladin.
just an ol school American otaku enjoyin the life. don't sass me kiddies, i've been otaku probably since before you were born. leave me in peace and i won't bother you either.

Jan 20, 6:26 AM
Isekai Trucker

Oct 2015
The opening is still a banger. Hopefully they won't change it in the middle of the series. If they do, I hope the new one is just as good.
Few cringe parts this episode. Felt weird watching them ride a carriage to the quest place... What happened to the carriage then? Normal fantasy series, they walk or ride along but this didn't feel like one of those kinds.
"You only realize the real value of something you discarded when you get the chance to pick it up again." - Rudeus Greyrat

Jan 21, 3:22 AM
Mob Character C

Oct 2009
I feel like if they're going to have this guy called sensei anyway, they could have just framed this more as a teacher doing the hands-on-learning part of the schooling with his students route instead of having the guy just happen to join a group with his former students. I just don't think the whole former group being jerks part amounts to much when we've honestly kinda already moved on. Most people can already imagine all the possible ways that can go. We're also already pulling out random people who have beef. So it's just like... is saltiness, I told ya so's, and just desserts all we really have to look forward to? Because none of that really interests me. At least if there was a clear focus on the growth of his (former) students then that would have been a little more interesting, but right now it's like these girls/women kinda already have/have learned the skills, they just need the experience, but that's not always the most fun part of the journey depending on how they go about it. We'll see.

Enjoy your anime! | Witch Cafe Wisteria
Jan 22, 3:05 PM

Aug 2018
Enjoyed a little less than episode one but still pretty decent. I liked that they showed the fallout of his old party although I think I would've liked to see them bicker more, maybe over multiple episodes, first before instantly collapsing without him.
I also like that his other party members actually assist in combat to some degree even if he's clearly smurfing, I think it'd be cool if he can raise them up to close to his level as well and there's some potential for neat team combos.
The team interactions are pretty nice, I'd like more individual development (even a little bit) too I hope that'll come later once they have the guild house and become more established.
I see potential although I imagine it'll even out to being just another generic OP protag power fantasy show
Jan 23, 12:07 PM
Sep 2024
Bro really went "Darkness blacker than black and darker than dark, I beseech thee, combine with my deep crimson. The time of awakening cometh." EXPLOSION!!!
Jan 24, 4:16 PM
Oct 2022
Yuke makes a great adventurer. Knowledgeable, excellent situational awareness, and is aware of the limits Clover has.
Jan 26, 2:17 PM
Nov 2024
the classic cliché where the group doesn't respect him and he's actually an op is pretty common, but except that it's not isekai and the anime adds a lot of new things that you don't see in those played anime like special role names, better monster looks, digital screens or the raid streaming alone makes this a really good anime so far.
Jan 28, 9:52 AM
Sep 2017
I think I'll give this one more episode, but I'm pretty sure I'm gonna drop it after that. I like the art and animation, but every interaction of the MC with his party (harem) members is vey grating. Just too much of the girls praising his every single action.

Also, I had some hope after the first episode, that this anime could do something a little bit interesting with his former party. I thought there were some signs for that in the first episode, but i guess I was wrong about that. Of course, they're completely useless , powerless and incompetent on any level without the Jesus MC. Makes them seem like carricatures (like in most other anime of the genre) and just not very interesting anymore.

Just like with the girls-MC interactions, it's just too much and ends up making me lose interest quickly.
Feb 2, 5:31 AM

Oct 2017
Those guys so incompetent that they can't even understand their incompetence lmao. The other creep came out as well. Looks like some spoiled noble brat.

Anyway so the elf's just 17 and the blue hair is the oldest at 20, same age as the mc lol. Where was he looking though while mentioning she doesn't look her age. Ofc the beast was stronger than the quest suggested but we got to see Yuke's grade 5 magic thanks to it, Prismic missile. I quite like the visual effects for the spells and such. Even the magic beast zarnag aura looked cool.
Feb 4, 6:01 PM
Mar 2012
oof nasty gators. full of attitude but old party had interesting discussions.
Touchscreen with printer integration looks slick. Nice effects detail, they actually simulated cg for the snare slip magic.
Yuke such rizz, even gives candy. Wow quite epic fight. vines throwing rocks, tanking, & Yuke going full archer.
Feb 13, 5:20 PM
Jun 2012
The performances of the seiyuus. Are strong.

Notably in the interactions between
➡️ Rain

➡️ Yuke

Everyone of clover, named yet in this episode or not. (Idk posting a few weeks later)
Fits their casting well.
Feb 15, 7:24 PM

Jul 2017
Yuke's stream of defeating the Steel Crab goes live and is racking up attention, and Clover is going well while Thunder Pike is on the way down with the egreging problems on the rise. It's clear that the latter group is full of narcissists who only cared for themselves as Yuke and the girls celebrate even for small achievements, because it's a step to progression. Yuke wanting to push the limits of the girls, and them trusting his judgment to go to the Ordan Lakeside Forest to retrieve 3 stones from the Yomun Waterfall against the backdrop of a magic beast (making this C-rank instead of a D-rank job), it definitely clamors for Clover's next job to livestream their latest stint.

Of course, Yuke would know this attention would come to him, and one such adventurer stalking him by the name of Besio Selas always wanting to join them for the long while, he's quite the dumb person that's easy to deal with, so no problem at that. Onto the actual quest with the magic beast in tow, the livestream is ever more important for instances like these (especially for the girls) for search and rescue, other than to record their stints dealing the outlier, which turned out to be the Beast King Zarnag, a monster that Clover is unfortunately not suited to deal with. This disadvantage alone would be enough to dissuade the motivation, and for all intents, going against it is quite the challenge.

Yuki Tanaka's ED is alright, wasn't expecting much anyways (except for the new party character that hasn't quite showed up yet).
Feb 19, 1:59 PM
Sep 2024
Love to see the party struggling without him and the newbie laying into them about how ass they are lol "the chore boy" man this chick/party is the worst. Can't even provide their own gear. Even after blatantly denying all he did for her as a healer in particular she didn't even have the brains to bring her own potions now that he's gone. Definitely a case of "the support was carrying but the dps and tanks thought they were carrying" and now with their best support gone they fall apart. Him leaving within a day because of their ineptitude and toxic attitude is also great. Complaining about Yuke getting a big head is wild considering how every last one of them just got trashed for having such big heads and not even being able to keep the new member a single day. Also lol who's this random noble fatso. Oh he's a stalker. Also btw if you're telling "Yuke didn't even fight" in his previous party, it means he never needed to because clearly he can just like most good supports in game might very well kick your ass in a 1v1.
Mar 12, 7:06 PM

Aug 2014
Poor Marina :( she has so small breastplate, but instead she is bigger than Silk ;(;(
(づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ ちゅっ ちゅっ キス (´。✪ω✪。`)

I hate it when anime/manga that I enjoyed ends, especially when there could be much longer plot and when I love main heroine :P

I wish I had magic glasses that let me see real world in anime colors ;)
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